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Saturday, 6 March 2021

Butternut Squash, Strawberry and Golden Beet Puree

How to Hull or Core Strawberries:
If you use frozen strawberries like me then you can easily skip this step. I get a bag of frozen berries from Costco because they are already hulled (saving me time) and I don’t have to worry about consuming them within a few days (before they start going bad). Nonetheless, it is good to know how to core strawberries.

The process of removing the green stem, or calyx, from the top of the berry is known as Hulling or Coring. Why do we do it? because we don’t want any stem in our food right? Well not strawberry stem. And yes you can just slice off the top of the berry but that actually wastes a portion of the fruit. Coring helps to preserve more of the fruit and it is actually easier to do than it sounds.

Hull a strawberry by holding it in one hand and a sharp paring knife in your other hand. Slowly insert the tip of the knife into the strawberry next to the stem cap in a way that the tip of knife is angled toward the center core of the berry. Then start turning the strawberry so that a cone shape starts forming around the stem. Slowly pull out the stem and voila! Your strawberry is hulled.

How to pick fresh and ripe Strawberries:
  1. By tasting them. while strawberries may look red and shiny they may taste dull so if possible give them a taste.
  2. By smelling them. Ripe fruit smells different than raw fruit, the smell is more intense and sweet.

  • Butternut Squash – 1 cup, cut into medium cubes
  • Strawberry – 1 cup, fresh or frozen
  • Golden Beet – 1 cup, cut into small cubes

  • Cook the Butternut Squash and Golden Beet in boiling water/ steamer basket or pressure cooker till they are tender. Let them cool down.
  • Transfer to blender cup (Nutri Bullet cup) with the Strawberry. 
  • Blend until smooth, add a tablespoon of water till it is smooth enough for your baby.
  • Serve and let them enjoy the goodness!
  • This puree can be kept in the fridge for 1-2 days.

Try these Baby Food purees as well:

1 comment:

  1. #lifewithoutalu #babyfoodrecipes #babyfoodie #babyfoodideas #forthebabies #forbabies #forthebaby #forbaby #homemade #purée #purée #butternutsquash #strawberry #beet #goldenbeets #vegetables #veggies #fruit #fruits #veggiefruit #nutritious #healthy #tasty #tastyfood #recipeonblog


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